Island Idylls

07 - Thoreau’s Walden

Episode Summary

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (okay, not really) lived a man named Henry David Thoreau. He was a radical in his day, a philosopher and a loner. Barry calls him an anarchist. He spent a couple of years living by himself, near a pond, looking at nature and thinking. Thinking, thinking, thinking. If you’ve ever heard the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation or if you’ve ever been encouraged to march to the beat of your own drum . . . you’ve felt the enduring influence of Thoreau’s Walden. Barry and Aaron agree Thoreau is influential, but they disagree on how helpful he is. Barry celebrates Thoreau’s resolute, personal optimism. Aaron sees in Thoreau an unfortunate slide away from the value of faith in a persona, real Creator. It’s an interesting conversation. Listen in.

Episode Notes


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