Island Idylls

11 - The Art of Writing

Episode Summary

Writing is a process of learning and discovery. Do you want to be a writer? This episode is for you. Should you start the process with a pencil or a keyboard? This episode is for you. Do you want to know what trips up most writers? This episode is for you. Is it more important for your writing to be clear or for your writing to be beautiful? Again, this episode is for you, Good writing is the fruit of slow, careful, and deliberate thinking.They start with a quote by Francis Bacon: “Reading maketh a full man, conversation a ready man, and writing an exact man.” It’s a saying Barry has turned to again and again because critical thinking requires all three. Maybe 2020 will be a year you devote yourself to writing more: a personal journal, a blog, even your first novel. If that’s you, you’ll enjoy listening as Barry and Aaron go back and forth about the process of writing.

Episode Notes


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