Island Idylls

09 - Henry James, “The Master”

Episode Summary

Do you like Marvel movies? Barry doesn’t. In fact, he says he hasn’t even seen one. But most of us have, and we like action. Lots of action. Superhero action. Henry James was a different kind of author. His heroines were usually women, but not of the Captain Marvel variety! They are strong, independent, willful women. But they are women, like all of us, who live in a world that is full of pain. We live in a world that doesn’t go our way. In this episode, Barry introduces us to an author who devoted himself to developing characters. Their trials and pain is the heart of the works of Henry James. His writing raises big questions. What is happiness? Why is the world so hard? Whom can you trust? Listen in and learn about a writer known as “the Shakespeare of the novel.” As an added bonus, this episode is not nearly as long as a Marvel movie!

Episode Notes


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